Agricultural cooperatives improve the productivity of farmers by facilitating access to markets, credit, insurance and technology. 农业合作社通过协助提供市场、信贷、保险和技术,提高了农民的生产力。
Precisely because of big banks'easier access to financial markets, they rely less on deposits for their funding. 正因为大银行能更容易地进入金融市场,有更广泛的资金来源,他们对储蓄存款的依赖性较低。
It has no other source of money. Its access to markets is closed. 它没有其他资金来源,而且也无法进入市场融资。
Malaysian manufacturers want access to markets overseas. 马来西亚制造商需要进入国际市场;
Regulatory and other non-tariff barriers increasingly are the major hurdles that companies face in gaining access to foreign markets. 监管措施和其他非关税贸易壁垒越来越多的公司在进入国外市场面临的主要障碍。
Yet friction seems likely to grow over access to markets and raw materials, particularly energy. 然而,在市场准入及原材料(特别是能源)的获取方面,摩擦似乎可能加剧。
But a well-planned infrastructure programme will have multiple benefits: rural roads increase access to markets, boost farmers 'income, and reduce maternal mortality. 但是,周密计划的基础设施规划将会带来许多好处:修建农村道路会增加市场准入机会,提高农民的收入,并降低产妇死亡率。
The agricultural market is becoming more globalised, but trade barriers still block access to markets in the US and Europe. 农产品市场正在变得越来越全球化,但贸易壁垒仍然阻挡着(巴西公司)进入美国和欧洲市场。
Better veterinary services are also needed, along with access to markets and roads, and improved management of wet and dry-season grazing areas. 牧民还需要更好的兽医服务、便于到达的集市、公路、以及得到改善的雨季和旱季牧区管理。
Conditions making it difficult to get ahead include a large proportion of poor people in a village, and deep social divisions in society that impede fair access to markets, facilities and services. 难以进步的制约条件包括村子中贫困人口的较大比重、以及社会中在利用市场、设施和服务方面的深刻的社会分界线。
Foreign manufacturing firms are drawn to the country partly because it offers convenient access to European markets. 外国制造业公司被吸引到这个国家部分是因为它提供了进入欧洲市场的便捷途径。
But a rule that says that they contribute the land evenly, without compensation, leaves them the net winners when the value of the retained lands is increased by greater access to markets. 有规则说,他们平等给出土地,不给赔偿,使得他们成为净胜利者,当土地价值因更大的去市场的通路而增加时。
Poor infrastructure is also a problem, as are a lack of services ( such as vets) to support animals, and poor access to markets where they can be sold. 糟糕的基础设施也是一个问题。其他问题还有,缺乏畜牧业服务(比如兽医),以及牧民难以到达可以卖掉牲畜的集市。
Nor is it to diminish the importance of maintaining reciprocity of access to markets, and a sound regulatory and legal framework to provide confidence in the rule of law. 也不是要贬低保持相互间市场准入、以及建立完善的监管和法律框架以提供法治信心的重要性。
China still needs access to Japanese markets. 中国仍需进入日本市场。
There is also concern about fresh competition for access to markets elsewhere in Latin America. 还有人担心在进入拉丁美洲其它市场方面会出现新的竞争。
China gave foreign banks and brokers a little more access to its markets. 中国在外资银行和券商进入其本土市场方面稍微增加了一些空间。
Clean water, proper sanitation, transportation, access to markets, electricity and energy& all are made possible by infrastructure development. 基础设施发展为清洁饮水、良好的环境卫生、交通运输、进入市场以及享用电力和能源提供了可能。
They have free access to security markets. 他们可以自由的进出证券市场。
China wins by gaining access to African markets and resources to fuel domestic growth. 中国则赢得非洲的市场和资源,以推动国内增长。
In this scenario, sceptical investors will push sovereign spreads to a level where it either loses access to markets or where the debt dynamic becomes unsustainable. 在这种情况下,满腹怀疑的投资者会大幅推高主权息差,最终要么导致这个国家丧失通过市场来融资的能力,要么导致这个国家的债务状况变得不可承受。
If China wants access to OUR markets they play by OUR rules. 如果中国想进入我们的市场,他们就必须遵守我们的规则。
Following Greece, a number of Member States faced difficulties refinancing their debts or lost access to markets altogether, despite the implementation of unprecedented fiscal programmes. 继希腊之后,尽管实施了空前的财政计划,但多个欧元区成员国在为债务再融资时仍面临困境,甚至完全被市场挡在门外。
It also emphasises the need for investment in both irrigation infrastructure and rural infrastructure& for instance, through the creation of better road networks to facilitate access to markets. 它还强调了需要对灌溉设施和农村技术设施进行投资&例如,通过建立更好的公路网以促进参与市场。
I have seen development lag because the poor do not have access to markets and finance. 我目睹了由于穷人无法进入市场,没有融资渠道而造成的发展滞后。
These mergers and acquisitions have provided us access to desirable markets, locations and experienced team members. 这些合并和收购为我们进入理想的市场,找到合适的位置以及有经验的团队队员提供了机会。
Providing easier access to emerging markets does not necessarily mean cutting risks associated with them. 提供更便利的进入新兴市场的渠道,未必意味着会降低相应的风险。
These political partnerships will ensure a degree of insulation from the type of problems that have befallen BP, while providing oil firms access to markets currently beyond reach. 这种政治合作将确保国际石油公司一定程度上免受bp那种问题的困扰,同时让它们得以进入目前无法企及的市场。
Production of biofuel feedstocks may create income and employment, if particularly poor small farmers receive support to expand their production and gain access to markets. 对于特别是贫穷的小农而言,如果能够得到支持来扩大其生产并获得进入市场的机会,那么生物燃料原料的生产便可创造收入和就业。